Hello everyone, I'm new here. I had a miscarriage on November 5th, ob said to wait one cycle to start trying again so we did. My question is, has anyone had a miscarriage and then conceived? how long did it take you to get pregnant again? TIA #myfirstpost
Yes. I had a MC at 10 wks in June '14 and then conceived before I even got my period again. Had a BFP 7 wks post MC. Little man was born late March '15 (nearly 2 wks early!)
Then again just this past Aug. Had an early MC at 5 wks. Had AF in Sept then got my BFP in early October. Now I'm 15 wks with this little bean and still going strong!
I had a miscarriage October 31st and found out I was pregnant again November 26 but unfortunately it ended in another miscarriage at almost 6 weeks so it happened pretty fast for me. Good luck and I’m sorry for your loss
We lost our first June 12, 2013 and had to wait until October to try again. Not sure if we got pregnant in Nov or Dec. At the beginning of Feb we confirmed a new pregnancy between 8-12 weeks in my right ovary (very long story) and miscarried Feb 13, 2014. Allowed to start trying again in April and we got our bfp august. Our first son was born April 12, 2015. Our second son was born Nov 15, 2016. We lost our fifth pregnancy 1 day short of 14 weeks August 23rd, 2017. Took 4 full months to miscarry. December 28th the last retained mass passed and less than a month later we found out we were pregnant again. Our third son was born September 28th, 2018.