Nai Thomas
Nai Thomas
How can I get my daughter to eat. Well she does eat. But it's the same foods mostly. She eats noodles, chicken, plantain, fruits, rice, chips. (Not all together) Those are her favorites. Everything else is a nope! shel leave it on her tray or throw them lol or just turn her head. If we even add in anything & she sees anything unfamiliar shel eat around it or none at all.
I really don't know what to do. When we go out we go out we have to bring noodles or some chicken because she don't really eat anything else.
The docs aren't worried because she's not under weight and she has fruits lol
Any ideas to get her to eat other foods? Should I just not worry? & thanking you in advance x

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Which daughter? Just wondered her age. But honestly unless she's loosing weight there's nothing to worry about. Most kids are fussy, all you can do is continue to offer a range of foods. Whether she eats them or not. Morgan didn't eat dinners for about 2years apart from the odd bite but he's slowly trying more again. Also I've learnt Morgan's more of a grazer so he won't necessarily sit & eat a large meal but eat small and regularly.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ohh my 1yo
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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