Stop Mom shaming. This app supposed to be about support. Not one mother on this Earth is perfect. Not yours . Not mine. Not US.

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That woman blocked the comments. Me and you are arguing the case more than she is. See it's pointless leave that shit alone. I don't go for bullying or shaming regardless. Whether them kids needs car seats or not if me and you not Fina put our pocketbooks together then LEAVE HER ALONE.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mom shaming doesn't include proper safety for children. All children should be in a carseat or booster until the legal age which varies by state. With rearfacing until absolutely necessary (2 years or older to put a age in it) to ff. 5 point harness until they out grow and booster until the legal limit if the ever outgrow the 5 point harness.
And I like to believe i'm semi perfect as my kids are always in carseats.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh shut up. You think your just perfect make me sick😂 maybe she’s not so fortunate. Hello neither was my birth giver but she got us were we needed to be with MORE kids in a truck. Say something. Stg. Make your pf un private. You really have nerve.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Speaking up for children who's parents are intentionally risking their lives isn't mom shaming.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
We can do this all day if you want too. But regardless of what you say you are in the wrong. That woman isn't slow. She know how to use a phone and drive. So do you think when she put her children in the car she didn't realize that 3 out of the four aren't in car seats ? Or did you think you pointing out the obvious in where ever location you're at is going to make her get up and go buy car seats in tn? No.
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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