Need to vent..🤔😑 so my husband is here for the holidays. He hasn’t seen us since thanksgiving. Granted he works VERY hard for us. We live with my father in Pa while he stays in NY with his mom because of his job.(he does construction so he’s almost done with his contract) So basically since he’s off and is here with us, all I hear from him is that “he’s tired”. Which pisses me off but at the same time I understand so I’ve been letting him get his rest as well... but that’s all I hear is “I’m tired”. I put on creed 2 for us to watch(baby is asleep) and the whole time he’s on his phone, and next thing, he asks me if he can go upstairs to watch this video... clearly he knew I would be upset as I’m trying to just spend some quality time because he wouldn’t have asked if it was okay in the first place.... next thing I know I go upstairs and he’s asleep!!! So guess what I did? I woke his ass tf up and told him I need him downstairs to stay with baby so I can make dinner. Again... he continuously says he’s tired and will be down in 20 minutes so I made a comment and said “you have no reason to be tired” and walked off.... so he’s “upset” with me because he thinks I said it real loud that my father heard me.. at the end of the day I get it... he just wants to relax a bit because I know he works a lot, but at the same time come on u haven’t seen me since thanksgiving week and u wanna keep using the same excuse that you tired?! Like what!!!! HOW ABOUT IM TIRED TOO!! And yet I still tried to make time... I still stay up and deal with 2 kids.. you never hear me say I’m tired until it’s time for bed... fohhhhhh.....!! Lol sorry whoever reads this I just needed to vent real bad....

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@mother_of3, I’ve tried and it’s like it goes in through one ear and out the other. He’ll say he understands and then next thing, it’s right back to square one. I tried last night and his response was “he doesn’t want to talk to me right now”... seems a bit childish... but at the end of the day I feel like I didn’t say anything wrong. All I did was make the same comment I’ve been making since he came to see us.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would be mad too...yes he works construction and I'm sure is sore tired....and your a Mom with the children all the time i know your tired too.He should make the best of this visit together ! I have 3 son's by far my youngest is More energetic non stop than when my older 2 were husband is with him all day while I work and when I get home he goes to work..we are tired both have physical jobs I'm a pet groomer and he works in a very busy well known steak house doing many thing's there..guess what we can power nap together and watch movies ,hate excuses.sorry hugs for you girl
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sherrynygirl, lmao girl I basically tried that yesterday afternoon and got a no because my father was downstairs... 🤦🏻‍♀️ their feelings get hurt but hey when ours get hurt we HAVE to accept their apology and get over it right away... they just can’t.... now he went to sleep early because he’s upset... instead of trying to talk it out... whatever... 🤷🏻‍♀️
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@momof2babygirls well I hope tomorrow is a better day together ,people take their loved ones for granted..
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sherrynygirl, he leaves back to NY in a little while so we won’t even get to talk about anything. He is still off so he’s gonna go home and most likely go to sleep smh like I get it trust me... he works so much but at least try to seem interested in spending quality time smh that’s all I’m asking... I shouldn’t have to hear all the time that “I’m tired” bs... 🤷🏻‍♀️ makes me a bit sad but hey
26.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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