I EBF so we Cosleep and honestly it’s the only way I get sleep. During the day he eats at 6 am then we take his sisters to school get back at 8:39 and feed again and he will lay in his bouncer for about an hr then go to sleep. Then feed and sleep all day.
I just started EBF her at 8 weeks (she was born small 4 pounds 13oz full term so her little mouth wouldn't let her latch at first so I pumped and bottle fed her) now she latches and her schedule has been horrible I think the 6-7am wake up is ideal and will help her go to bed earlier at night how often do u feed during the day every 2-3 hours??
@courtneeb.cb, I feed at least 12 times during the day. He loves to eat. He weighed 7.5 pounds when he was born and he now weighs 13.6 pounds. So he eats good. Lol.