Have any of you mamas given ur LO probiotics? My babygirl is going on 6 wks & was 6 wks early (so she spent 3 wks in NICU) so they put her on neosure formula with iron. At the hospital the whole 3 wks she didnt have barely any gas but was on the readymade neosure formula but since shes been home (almost 3 wks) i had to get the powdered formula with my WIC which has been SUPER rough on her tummy😢 she has had constant gas and with 85% of the time it being so painful for her, I begged her pediatrician to change her formula to a soy or gentle ease and she didnt want to switch it yet saying she needs the iron and it takes a few wks for newborns to get used to formula being their digestive system has to figure out how to work it out and in a few wks we can change it if she doesnt change. She then suggested gripe water, gas drops, warm washcloths on her belly, bicycle legs..and probiotics. I finally am trying the Mommys bliss probiotics (after nothing else has worked) & last night put a couple drops in her night time bottle..half asleep and sleep deprived this morning i noticed it was sup to be a few drops THRU OUT the 24 hrs !! So now she is having more//worse gas pains then before and now 95% of her DAY today was painful gas, not just gas if that makes sense. So of course realizing i gave her too much too fast i havent tried giving her anymore yet and am now super nervous to any give her anymore after the 24 hrs of the dosage passes worrying that it just might not be going well with her belly...does anybody give their littles probiotics, & how was the outcome of it?? HELP !!

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Most probiotics can benefit babys belly but there are rare cases where it can make it worse (my second child was colic and i tried everything)...I would recommend not giving her anymore for a while just to see if it was the probiotic that caused that recently and then go back to her pediatrician and insist that she recommend something else, or maybe consider changing pediatricians. With my second child I eventually realized the only thing that would soothe her is the sound of running water but bicycle legs would only work for a short time on her. Have you thought about buying one can of the gentle ease formula just to see if that helps? I recommend trying that as well if nothing else works just once to see if it helps with her belly issues bcuz then you can take it to her pediatrician if you don’t want to switch and tell them you’ve witnessed a significant difference in the new formula you tried and that it’s best to switch her.
17.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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