Ok moms, I need advice...big time.
I'm 31 weeks 2 days pregnant and the past 2 weeks I've had pretty bad back pain. I told my OB last week about the pain and pressure but she didn't seem concerned. It hasn't let up at all. What should I do?

(Back ground)
I was 50% effaced with my first born at 28 weeks,
Went into preterm at 33 weeks, and had him at 36 weeks.
This baby was breech at 26 weeks and they still haven't checked my cervix to see if the pressure is causing me to be effaced with this one too.

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Only reason I'm considered underweight is because I was super skinny with a high metabolism. My heaviest was 106 before my first pregnancy. Then I dropped back down to 100 before this one.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks everyone. They haven't given me any special restrictions yet, but they told me I'm high risk this time. They said I was underweight, my pregnancies were too close and I had a 4cm cyst on my ovary (it dissolved).
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence no. I'm not seeing a high risk OB. I swapped to a different ob at 23 weeks because they still hadn't done any blood work on me, which completely threw me off because of the high risk thing. But I dont think this ob is a high risk ob.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@chloedcarruth16, Oh generally if your a high risk pregnancy they refer you to a high risk OBGYN!

Yikes not doing bloodwork by that point is definitely not cool high risk or not.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence I know. That's why I swapped obs
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah my OB only does a pelvic exam at 35/36 weeks because it can cause you to go into labor. He will only check me afterwards if I ask.

My mother in law is positive as well as I that I’ve been having contractions and not BH ones. Because they’re lasting 1-2 minutes every hour for 4-5 hours and then they stop for a while and then they will kick back up again. Ill be 32 weeks on Friday. I had this same thing happen with me with my daughter and I didn’t deliver her till 40 weeks.

But I understand your back hurting girl. I feel like mines about to break along with my hips and crotch 🙁 my son feels so low I feel like if I sneezed so hard he’s going to just go “plop” on the floor 😂 I know that’s not possible but that’s how it feels.

If you’re not on restrictions ( I am sadly) I’d suggest warm showers or a heating pad. ❤️❤️ or maybe a back massage. I will have my husband rub my back in the shower sometimes and let Luke warm water hit my lower back. I can’t take hot showers or baths anymore or use a heating pad so I’ve had to seek out other methods of relief.

Reason I’m on restrictions is because I walked a lot and had sex and started having contractions and my OB is just being cautious because I’m still pretty early and he doesn’t want me to have a NICU baby and I second that.

Hang in there momma you’re almost done!
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
It’s not routine to be checked at 31 unless they see a reason to (even if past preterm labour) Back pain isn’t really a reason for them to check as it’s normal for pregnancy of that gestation so is pressure. Those two things are also magnified in subsequent pregnancies.

I’ve had a premie and to date they don’t check me till 34 and only then if I ask..unless there’s reason to believe it’s needed.

Many women walk around effaced and dilated for weeks it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s cause for concern or baby is coming immediately. I had a patient last night who’s been at a 4 since 34 weeks and had her babe at 40.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have the same pain but it's taken me 3 weeks to get to 3cm. I'm now 37w4d
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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