I really need some advice. My husband is a recovering addict. He's only 11 days clean but things have turned completely around and my life is finally seeming like it's starting to be kinda normal. However when my husband was bad off he done a lot of hurtful things including stealing from me and cheating on me. Regardless of him being better I can not get his cheating on me out of my mind. It just plays over and over and it's killing me. What can I do to make it just go away. I am so depressed and I just can't take these thoughts any more. I love him so much and I know the drugs had a lot to do with everything of course that is no excuse!! I'm just so confused and so lost and I don't want to stress him outwith it and push him back to drugs so now isn't the time to talk with him about it.

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I got cheated on last year by my husband last year while we took a “break” I know it’s not the same thing but it all hurt the same way because nothing really changed except our living arrangements. It took me a whole year just to get over it. Even though he cut her off and blocked her from everything. I kept picturing them together. But one night we had a long talk and I poured my heart out to him and told him how I felt. I got it all out and I felt better. I still get mad from time to time but not as mad as I did before.
11.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
My advice as someone who loves an addict/recovering addict (who has done some unspeakable things to me) and as a recovering addict myself - I highly encourage you go to "open" meetings in your area. There is something beautiful in all the darkness, I promise. Hugs!!! Message me if you ever need to talk.
11.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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