anybody’s kids going through a speech delay? is it normal or something i should really be worried about? my son is 18 months and he doesn’t know any words besides mama and occasionally nana and dada.
Some kids bloom late. My son is gonna be 3 in March and started speech therapy about 3 months ago. I wish I started sooner. It has helped tremendously.
My cousin refused to speak until she was 3, besides saying a few basic words. And i dont think my oldest really staryed saying a lot of words til around 18 months.
Mine is 19 months and JUST started saying more words other than momma, dadda, and nana. I can’t even count how many he says now and is working on phrases. He’s never, ever been interested in repeating words until here a couple weeks ago. Now he’ll repeat or attempt to repeat just about anything you ask him to. They all develop at their own pace! 😊
🙋♀️🙋♀️ mine is. Some kids are just late bloomers and some are a little delayed sometimes but that's still perfectly okay and just need to find other ways to help.
My son is 2 and a half and primarily nonverbal, he baby babbles up a storm but doesn't really say many words becides dada, down/done and do (which all kinda come out "duh" but we can tell which he means at the time).We started him in speech therapy with early intervention mid August and he has 4 sessions a week (two of speech and two of a generalized/play sessions), he still isn't talking much at all but hes making very large and noticable advances in alot of little things he does day to day, he loves helping in any way he can weather it be with doors or clothes or organizing. Hes learning sign language and knows "eat" and "more", he loves using his mouth to make tons of sounds and babbles though sometimes gets frustrated when we dont understand what he wants or says. EI has been super helpful even if the progress may be slow some weeks and I would totally recommend looking into it or maybe talking to your pediatrician about any concerns you may have
i did speak to his doctor when he had a check up at 15 months and all she told me was that he’ll speak when he’s ready, and speech therapy can be an option when he turns 2 if he still isn’t talking by then
@noahsmamaa To be honest that's what we did. She mentioned it at a few appointments before two but didnt seem rushed and told us it wouldnt hurt to wait until two so we contacted them shortly after he turned two in July to get the ball rolling. Alot of people expect that they come in and immediately help them start talking but it's not the case (in a good way). They really take their time to watch the kids and get to know them and try to adjust certain things to benefit them, the two that come see my son noticed hes sensory sensitive so we always try to notice when hes asking for some sort of pressure/texture input and help us find toys that might help him grow better than others will. My son said "moo" for his speech lady today and even though its not big we were all super excited. As I said he has a long way to go but they've taught me to realize that the small steps are better than huge leaps :) as long as your kiddo doesn't seem to be regressing or delayed in other areas like fine or large motor skills I wouldnt be too worried just yet. Especially if his doctor doesn't seem rushed to have you look into therapy