My nipples started bleeding when I was pumping last night...should I take a break from pumping and breast feeding or what? I use nipple cream all the time so I don’t know why they’re cracking and bleeding. I have some milk in the freezer so she won’t go without.

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You might have had the suction on to high or pumped to long. I would take a break from pumping for a little bit. Expressing milk on my nipples and letting it air dry healed my nipples up the fastest.
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mama, you may have turned it up too high. You don't have to stop but you do need to take it easy.
Don't use nipple cream. Hand express your milk onto your nipples. Get the Medela Shells that keep your clothing off your nipples this will help them heal. When you pump only use the lowest setting that will express your milk. Contact a local LC for additional help or reach out to me. I'm happy to help. I went through hell with my first dd and pumped exclusively for 5 of 7 months that she got BM. Thankfully Dd2 was born normal and able to EBF. She turns 7 months today and we are still going strong.
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
This has happened to me. I wouldn’t take a break - you might lose your supply. I just continued to use lanolin and powered through it. Maybe just nurse instead of pumping for a while?
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rachel.c.nicholson : is there a reason you are pumping instead of her nursing?
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@xryztalroze, I nurse during the day but she takes a bottle at night cause my husband feeds her so I can sleep.
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rachel.c.nicholson : Have you ever tried to feed her while laying on your side? It's the most amazing way to feed and get your rest. Happy to hear that hubby is helping! That's great but for now I would try this: lay on your side, draw baby close to you belly to belly. Place a rolled receiving blanket at her back and tuck it in closely. You can rest comfortably and baby will eat. It is very relaxing once you get the hang of it and all you have to do is change sides without getting up. My husband sleeps in our guest room ATM so I am able to safely cosleep with our baby. She is 7 months today and now that she is older she crawls into me to tell me she is hungry. I'm getting plenty of rest this way. Another trick my LC taught me. Wish I could have done this with my first.
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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