Dizzy Grace
Dizzy Grace
Mamas I need help how did u know u wanted another child? The week that passed was a breaking point for me . It made me not want to have another. I want another so that my son isn't alone in this world when we are gone. How can I help myself be mentally stronger?

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Thank you all for your inputs
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Me and hubby had the talk my hubby is 45 and I am 41 and we are like if we do not have number 2 we have just 1 but baby 2 was born on nov 7
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
My opinion might not be valid as I am not a mom yet, however, unless I medically can’t have 2, then I plan to have 2.
I say this because I am a only child, and I hated it as a child, growing Up, and still at 28, I hate it. I remember having imaginary brothers and sisters. I was so jealous of everyone who had them. I used to beg my parents for another. I hated having to make my own fun. I think some parents don’t really think of it from the child’s perspective but it sounds like you are.
You got time to decide. I think my husband and agreed to wait until our first is 3 until we try again.
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I just had my first in September. It’s been so hard as a first time mom that I don’t want anymore kids, but think the same as you, that I don’t want him being a only child. It’s a hard decision but I’m done. I love my little guy and I’m fine with just him
03.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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