Yeah I paint them ready for labour too haha I hate unpainted toes, they look so ugly 😂 .... yah no I never even noticed if the paint came mine last time! I was in the pool for 3 hours as well lol .... although I wouldn't be so bothered if it was during labour coz it would be easy enough to fix after birth 😂 but imagine I had just painted them and then went and smudged them on something 🙊 that wouldn't be cool lol x
@alanna91 me too 😂 and if you have a water birth this time check afterwards 😂I was so mad mine come off I did them sparkly and everything 😂and god it's hard enough to get down there let alone being full of rage cuz you smudged them it's not like you can see were your putting your feet either🤣🤣 x