Gabriella Cope
Gabriella Cope
So I am not to worried, but I have a 2 month old boy and he goes to bed around the same time. He gets up every morning at 6am to eat and get his but changed and then goes back to sleep. Is it normal for a 2 month old to not wake up until 10am to at least eat? That's four hours longer then usual.

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My son is 2 months almost 3 months old and he went to bed at 5 pm and didn’t wake up tell 4am for a diaper change and feeding and then went back to sleep and then didn’t wake up tell 7 am and he stays wide awake for a while during the day and then will fall asleep and wake up for a diaper change and feeding then stay wide awake for a while and then when he’s tried he will go to sleep
29.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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