Same. I went about 6-7 years without even talking to my mom, and I moved about 2 hours away so we didn't see each other either. Her and I started getting closer when I was pregnant with my now 4.5 yr old. So glad we've rekindled bc damn I missed her.
Lucky. When I was seventeen I ran away from home for four years. I couldn't imagine how my mom must of felt. I can't imagine my baby running away. I overthink these things to much.
Yes🐥 I make every appointment so that my mom could go. Did you already get to hear the baby's heartbeat. It's amazing.
My whole first trimester I puked five to seven times a day. Now it finally subsided and I can finally eat in peace. Feeling a lot better. How is your first trimester
Right! All the times I've hurt her feelings over something she was right about. I just want to make it all up to her. I'm sure her first grandkid will be enough and more to come. Hopefully 🐣
@cnluab I'm seriously hoping the same. This is also my parents first grandbaby. It's so special to have this experience together with my mom. You're right ahead of me, how are you feeling?