Ladies it's me again. I'm stressing again! 🤣 is less than a week to my daughter's birthday party and only 4 mum's rsvp saying they will come. Am I supposed to assume that the rest won't come? What am I supposed to say to the play centre people? The mum's that didn't RSVP is there a chance they will come? It's my first time doing this and I haven't got a clue what to think. HELP PLEASE 😂😂

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It's a private hire so I pay a set price for up to 20 children. So it's not like I pay per child. I just need to tell the play centre the amount of kids so they know how many party bags to get ready and how much food to have xx
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Do you get money back for ones that's haven't RSVP'd? If not keep all plans the same as you might find some turn up even though they haven't told you. If you can get money back then you could cancel a few places (keep a few just in case) and if the others turn up it's their loss they should have got back to you! It happens a lot unfortunately. A boy at our nursery sent out 5 invites only 1 got back to him. 2 turned up on the day.
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
The teacher said she will remind them all but I still had no replies. I guess I'll have to wait till Friday and then I'll let the play centre a definite answer. X
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
We had this problem 🤦🏻‍♀️ we asked our son’s key worker if they could just remind them or you could put a gentle reminder card in their trays, I also said to my little boy oh have you asked your friends if they are coming to your birthday in the hope they would nag their parents 😂 but I found the ones that hadn’t rsvp’d just didn’t turn up 🙄 x
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Great so there is like 4 people coming. 🙄😥 my little girl will be heart broken. I'm hoping the parents just forgot to rsvp and will turn up or I'll get more replies soon xx
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Could you ask the nursery if you could leave a reminder on the children’s coat pegs or something like that? Or ask your daughter could remind them? Xx
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don't know any of the mum's personally. So the kids that haven't rsvp is just the kids that my little girl goes to nursery with. So I don't even see the mum's as we drop the kids off at different times. I tried asking the teacher to politely remind everyone. But I still had no responses. I'm getting stressed out as I'm paying a lot of money to hire the place and I need to know the total numbers and my little girl will be very upset if only few of her friends cone xx
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Any way you could create a Facebook page for your daughters birthday and add the mams to the page? I know RSVP's to kids birthday parties slip my mind when I can't respond instantly, most of the time we end up RSVPing a few days before because I just completely forget! X
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm an arse hole and would start harrasing people as you need to know, so you can arrange things an tell the place too. X
27.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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