Meet my baby Issei born on thanksgiving day, as soon as he was born he started to have problems breathing so they rushed him to the nicu 😔 but he’s doing so much better today, but tomorrow I’m going home and there’s a chance he’s staying, I’m so sad about it but I’m praying he gets to go home with me. It’s been sad not having him in my room while I heal but I’m happy he’s doing so much better than yesterday.
He will be just fine mama, believe me. My baby boy had breathing issues when he was born and spent 9 days in the NICU. He is in great health now and is the happiest kid I have seen.
Just remember he is where he needs to be right now, so he can be strong enough to come home with you. If you need to talk. Feel free to message me anytime.
Awww handsome little guy... dear lord we come before you this morning to ask that you heal him and make him all better so he can go home with his mommy and family in jesus name AMEN...
My son was in the nicu and it was really hard on me I cried almost every other day while he was in the hospital and I was staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Portland and my son was born 9-6-18 at 10:49am and it was hard to not have him in the room with me and sleeping by him self he co sleeps with me because we’re not ready to put him in his play pin to sleep and he has nightmares sometimes and he’s 2 months almost 3 months and he got discharged from the hospital September 20th and we drove home my son was a fighter and ur son is also a fighter stay strong for him I had to do that for my son
Just remember he is where he needs to be right now, so he can be strong enough to come home with you. If you need to talk. Feel free to message me anytime.