LO will be 11 months via csection on the 27th . SO and I was planning on having another LO. Question is when. I hear people getting pregnant 5 months pp and other people saying I have to wait 2 years.
I was told by my ob that if I want attempt a vbac then the due date and my last born have to be 18 months apart (they're 3 years). Now my midwife has told me the same thing. That my csection and my v bac have to be 18 months apart but my last c section was 4 years ago and my last v bac will be 19 months apart so I'm goos either way
I had an emergency c section. If you wanna try for a vbac you have to wait a year to get pregnant if you get pregnant before that year your doctor might not let you try for vbac (meaning yout child has to be 1 or older before your conceive not 1 by the time you give birth again some women don't know that) and some doctors dont do vbac's at all. But you need he completely heal which can take up to 2 years to heal since it's a major surgery and you can rupture your uterus getting pregnant before. Women do it everyday but there's always that risk
After a csection you need more time to heal. I always hear it being recommended to at least give your body a year. I started trying for Cassie when Athena was around 10 months old, didnt get pregnant until Athena was around 16 months old. They are 3 days short of 24 months apart. Second csection was a bit more painful to recover from, I'm still tender around the scar.
@leahsmyworld I was told to wait a year after giving birth. That way your body has time to heal. But you can't ever predict it. Some woman get pregnant right after giving birth.