Jennifer Poulter
Jennifer Poulter
Has anyone else experienced anything like this primrose is now 14 days old and still has jaundice she’s also gaining weight very slowly and is not yet back to birth weight there doesn’t seem anything wrong with her latch and the health visitor seems to think she has a tongue tie she hasn’t been pooing much but has lots of wet nappies we have an appointment with the jaundice clinic on the 5th of December but until then what happens

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My 1st had jaundice but was formula fed. I was told to make sure he was feeding regularly and keep an eye out that he wasn't drowsy and refusing feeds.
22.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
My daughter was jaundice she needed phototherapy so I’d say your girl may just be a little jaundice not severely , keep feeding when she wants it and aslong as she’s got wet nappies that’s all good, babies go poo all different some every day some every three days, if your breastfeeding eat your super foods and it is known that if BF the jaundice May take longer to clear due to insufficient intake of milk xx
22.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
P.S I had to wake her for feeds every 3 hours xx
22.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Only things I no about jaundice is feed it out of them and take then in sunlight maybe put her mosses basket or anything she sleeps in by the window in the light and take her for walks pain in this weather but just get wrapped up would you consider combined feeding until she is back to birth weight and jaundice is gone x @jennypoulter
22.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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