
How to Dry Up Breast Milk Fast After Weaning?

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Feeling a lil sad I weaned my baby from my nipple to a bottle and pacifier the other day but my baby was literally using me as a human pacifier alllllll the time lol I felt like a prisoner and she was my guard she wanted my nipple 24/7 and I couldn’t get anything done. My baby has been so much better since having a pacifier she seems way more calm and relaxed. Now I can get out the house and go back to work I’m happy about that but I just hope my baby doesn’t feel like I’m neglecting her of my nipple 😪 I feel like it was the best thing to do for both of us I felt like I was getting a little depressed I loved breastfeeding my baby but being a human pacifier was a bit much I have been giving her my milk in her bottles since I have a lot stashed in the freezer but now I’m becoming super engorged and in so much pain because I only pump once a day what can I do to help dry my milk up fast?

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Awww I’m sorry to hear you quit so soon! My daughter was the same way, she wanted to be latched constantly and if she wasn’t then she was crying. It was so hard but I pushed through anyway and I’m so glad I did. She ended up nursing until she was 2.5 😊 It gets so much easier after the first 4 months. It’s such a short time in your baby’s whole life and you can “get things done” when they’re older. Now she’s 4 and I miss it so much. Luckily I’m still nursing my 7 month old and I don’t plan to stop any time soon.

As for the pumping I suggest doing a gradual weaning, so continue to pump once a day until you notice a drop in supply. It shouldn’t take long.
21.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@monavidaaxo, ok thanks 😊 so I shouldn’t even pump once today since my boobs are sooo full? They are rock hard and so huge I just want this milk out
21.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Leave soap on your nipples that helped by sis in law...
Theres teas
And if anything pinterest
21.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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