I know it's madness, I told her that the pressure was physically making it impossible for me to stop pushing and she said "you aren't ready so just stop" well I was because my son was visable by that point.. Some of them think they can take the piss if you're a young first time mam because they think we don't know anything but no one knows your body better than you do
Best thing you can do is listen to your body and don't let them tell you that what your feeling isn't accurate because you know when it's time, they told me to stop pushing because he wasn't ready to come then the nurse opened my legs and she could see my sons head
I dilated from 2 to 7cm in under an hour so they should watch you closely at this stage I was in slow labour for 3 days active for 15 hours but when he was ready he wasn't waiting around x
I have a dr appt tomorrow morning so I’m gonna see what they say . Unless it gets unbearable then ima go in . But mannnn my vagina really hurts like 😣😣😣
I’ve been having contractions and all that but I have to dialate 2 more cm for them to keep me 😩 but my vagina hurts soooo bad right now like my vag walls are being stretched