I need help mommas. I breastfeed my 10 week old baby and I cannot get her to take a bottle. What bottles have you had good luck with? She won’t take a paci either. It’s like she doesn’t know how to suck on them.
Avent using natural nipples. My son was picky with bottles and pacifiers. He would only take mam, and they couldn't be the form of most common pacifiers, his were round and semi flat
My kid is cheap. After trying 6 different specialty bottles, he took Parents Choice bottles with no problem. Hundreds of dollars spent to settle on a 3 dollar 3 pack. Lol.
It might cause nipple confusion. I had used the Avent bottles with the slow flow nipple for my little guy, he's never had a problem going from breast to bottle though and takes his paci. I breastfed up until about 8 months when he started biting the blood out of me 😩 so I pumped and used the avent bottles 😊 good luck, momma!