@rachpezzuto That is completely normal! You will be ok! So will baby!! I'm here to help and give you the reassurance needed. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing ever yet does NOT come naturally. It is a learned experience for both mom and baby. You WILL be ok!!! Baby has a natural reflex right now that can help: Put the lower part of your breast(just beneath the areola on the underside of you nipple) on his chin and the nipple on his nose in a kind of teasing manner. He should open his mouth after a couple of times. You being relaxed helps which isn't easy this fresh after delivery. It takes about 6-8 weeks to get this down because that is the time when baby becomes more alert and able to eat well. For both of my girls my 4th day was my hardest. For the first the first two months and the second it was much easier. With the right support you will absolutely get through this!!!
@xryztalroze Also when baby opens his mouth you have to press his head to the breast. Have someone get that book for you. Skim the first chapters for what you are looking for. I wish I had had it for my first. Life would have been easier. My second is 6 months and going strong. If my thumbs could take me typing all that U have been through to be successful at bf'ing you would see why I am so confident that you can do this. It really does take time. Thankfully baby has a teeny tiny little belly and gets what he needs easily in these first days/weeks. So you have the time to learn together. The key is not letting baby get truly hungry. Try offering every hour or more. My second born wanted to be at the breast nonstop for the first 4 weeks. Her pediatrician asked how many time in 24 hours she would eat and I looked at her and said 30. She thought I was being funny but I explained she would eat every twenty minutes or stay on a day if I let her. That helps regulate the milk and give your growing baby what he needs. Our supply is based on supply and demand and hormonal regulation caused by baby eating as needed. My two year is telling me the baby is awake. Have to go for now. Have a great day and message anytime if you need help!!! Or just want to chat.
I have had the same problem. She will scream and squirm, then I'll get it in her mouth and she will realize it's what she wants then she will pull off and start over. She just started getting better today. It's part of the process, both of you figuring it out. Hang in there. 💕