My 6 year old (almost 7) son is having a really hard time adjusting to a life with a baby sister. He’s so used to being the only child and the center of our lives and now that my daughter is here (2 weeks old), he’s acting out, getting in trouble at school, won’t hold or even acknowledge her. He’s normally such a well behaved and sweet boy! I’m a little worried. My husband and I prepared him as well as we could’ve! Any tips/ideas on what to do?

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My son is the same way he will come around it just takes time. Just don’t force him let him come help out with the baby least that’s how it was for me and my son is three years old he have his moments but he loves his sister he holds her all the time think it’s the cutest thing ever.... congratulations on baby
16.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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