Jessica Dwyer
Jessica Dwyer
I think I might hypoglycemia but I thought you have diabetes when you have it so I don’t know. I’m asking for advice because I don’t want to feel stupid going for the doctors for nothing because I’ve done it before and it’s embarrassing.

I’ve had this for a while but it’s gotten progressively worse over the last two weeks. I can’t go very long without eating. Like a few hours I believe. Even if I have a little bigger meal. I got hungry at 10:30 today and by 11 I was getting my symptoms. I get a headache and get dizzy and very weak. I can’t concentrate and get really irritable. It usually gets better soon after I eat. I’ve been really tired lately. And I’ve been craving a lot of sugary things lately and I’ve been drinking pop when I usually drink water. I haven’t had energy to clean or cook meals the last two weeks but I don’t know if that’s related or not.

My friend in high school had hypoglycemia and I thought I might have it but my grandma just brushed it off. Do the symptoms sound like that or something else or am I just overreacting to something normal?

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You can definitely have hypoglycemia without diabetes! From your symptoms it sounds like that's what you're dealing with. I've dealt with it for a long time. There's not really much you can do for it except making sure you eat enough. Sometimes if it's bad enough they'll prescribe a sugar pill to help raise your blood sugar quickly. But making sure you eat things that will keep you full like protein and whole grains will help. Make sure to always keep a snack with you too. I noticed if I eat or drink anything with artifical sweeteners it seems to make my symptoms worse. Not sure if it's actually related but I try to avoid them anyway.
14.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
You shouldn’t feel bad or embarrassed if it turns out nothing is wrong. Your doctor is getting paid for the appointment whether you are sick or not. I’m not sure what your symptoms point to, but you should call your doctors office and you should be able to talk to a nurse to find out what you should do! Good luck hun!
14.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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