I think I might hypoglycemia but I thought you have diabetes when you have it so I don’t know. I’m asking for advice because I don’t want to feel stupid going for the doctors for nothing because I’ve done it before and it’s embarrassing.
I’ve had this for a while but it’s gotten progressively worse over the last two weeks. I can’t go very long without eating. Like a few hours I believe. Even if I have a little bigger meal. I got hungry at 10:30 today and by 11 I was getting my symptoms. I get a headache and get dizzy and very weak. I can’t concentrate and get really irritable. It usually gets better soon after I eat. I’ve been really tired lately. And I’ve been craving a lot of sugary things lately and I’ve been drinking pop when I usually drink water. I haven’t had energy to clean or cook meals the last two weeks but I don’t know if that’s related or not.
My friend in high school had hypoglycemia and I thought I might have it but my grandma just brushed it off. Do the symptoms sound like that or something else or am I just overreacting to something normal?