@isabellesmom93, girl you have no idea!! I’ve been ready 😭😭 just wanted to stay as long as I could so i can start my leave pay right when I have him! And I’m with you 100% this is baby #3 for me so I really slacked haha didn’t go as overboard as I did with the other two lol
@mamacryan13, same here I don’t even think I have newborn diapers yet😅 I figured If he doesn’t go straight into size 1 we can pick them up on the way home from the hospital lol. I don’t blame you, you’re doing it the smartest way this way you’ll have the most time with him!
@isabellesmom93, omg I’m deff doing the same!!! Lol I always do a huge pack from the hospital with all types of things 🤣 I’m like if I don’t need to buy it then I won’t! Lol and yes!
@mamacryan13 sooo exciting! I was scared to get close to my due date (nervous for labor) but omg the closer I'm getting the more ready! I just want to see and hold her ugh! What are you having??