Am I allowed to rant here?
**rant beginning*** (let me know if I’m wrong)
Soooo I almost had to tell some people off in Walmart today. My son was so bad and was making me hold up the line and people were so rude to me for it so I threw all my groceries back on the bagging station and said “just cancel the transaction” and walked with my screaming and fussy child out of the store as people were talking about how “rude” I was with taking the cart out and leaving all of the bags there yet they wanted to be rude for not letting me check out. Then one lady said “how much do you need? I’ll donate to you” like I’m some charity case tf?! Money wasn’t the problem. Taming my screaming child was the problem. Making sure he’s not jumping out of the cart and then having to pick him up because he was hitting the lady behind us with the separator then him trying to press buttons while I’m typing my pin causing it to make an error like 4 times. Nope... just left my stuff and walked out. Am I wrong for this? I hate the looks I get and all of the nasty comments from people in the line. Making sure my child was okay was way more important than trying to type my pin in over and over again because he wouldn’t stop pressing the buttons.

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Everyone can sit here and say how they would handle the situation better, but every situation is different. Even if it's the same scenario, it's different people we each deal with, and we all handle things differently. There is not one single person in the world who could handle every negative interaction with class. At some point, everyone is going to either lose their cool, or make a decision that others would judge or frown upon. We do what feels right for us at the time, even if looking back, you think it could have been done differently.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
So i think people are going to be rude no matter what you choose to do. I would have done whatever i needed to get my groceries and my kid out of the store safely. People don't like your loud, rambunctious child? Oh well. I would have continued on with my business because I'm sure as hell not spending all that time just to come out empty handed and end up having to come back and do it all over again. Nope.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить


I don't think you were wrong. I probably would have done the same if I were in that situation. My priority would have been to get my son and myself out of that stressful situation, even if that meant having to drop everything and just walk out the store. 🤷🏽‍♀️
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Breathe momma. Your to have ykur moments. But i usually try and make a cereal reckless when my boys was small and would throw fits. As the sort. So if well within the shopping when the cart is still its snack time. I've been there and it's def hard with so much judgement but you did you and at a later day you can shop all over. But Walmart has the free grocery pickup. Go online and shop and schedule to pucknit up i believe it is free.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Honestly, my knee jerk reaction is to say that you were most definitely wrong for leaving the way you did. The cashier did nothing to deserve so much extra work. And forgive me if I’m wrong, but it sounds as though you were almost done if you were trying to pay already? That being said, I have anxiety. Very bad anxiety. And I have definitely been overwhelmed to the point where my eyes fill up with tears and I can’t speak and everything around me moves too quickly and I feel like throwing up. I have been there soooo many times and all I could do is leave whatever situation I was in as fast as possible so I could feckin’ breathe. I have also received snarky comments from assholes who, for a reason God doesn’t even know, feel the need to give me unwanted advice. Hard to say what I would have done, as I wasn’t there, but I probably would have told everyone to fuck off, if I’m being completely honest. If my kid is acting up and no one wants to step in and offer to HELP me or be patient and kind toward someone clearly going through some shit, then they can fuck themselves. Thankfully, my anxiety isn’t nearly as bad when people act that way toward me. I just catch an attitude and move even slower just to piss them off 😂
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Everyone can sit here and say how they would handle the situation better, but every situation is different. Even if it's the same scenario, it's different people we each deal with, and we all handle things differently. There is not one single person in the world who could handle every negative interaction with class. At some point, everyone is going to either lose their cool, or make a decision that others would judge or frown upon. We do what feels right for us at the time, even if looking back, you think it could have been done differently.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I definitely wouldn't have left the groceries. Kids throw tantrums, people will just have to deal with it. You'll probably never see most of those people again, so their comments are void to you. As @kellynicole said I would've felt worse leaving all those groceries there for the employees to have to put back. I'm glad you've decided to have them delivered from now on. It sounds like it will be a lot less stress for you and your son.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I couldn’t just let my kid hurt himself and other people so I did what I had to do and I wasn’t rude about it at all. Just thoughts running through my head. I’m actually a nice person and I handled it calmly.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Maaaaan mama ive been there but i try my damnest to keep my cool and aplogize to everyone for my kids behavior. If they don understand then screw them. You did your best.... thats all you could do
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I really did. My son was hurting himself, the lady behind us and me. I couldn’t just let him do that so I had to grab him, then try to type in my pin and push his hands away from pushing buttons at the same time and it kept rejecting my pin so I just told her to cancel the transaction. I called the store and they told me that they have someone specifically that gets groceries and puts them back. It’s what they’re paid to do especially for situations like this. I couldn’t do anything about it besides leave so my son would be okay. He’s more important than anything I had to buy there
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Also that woman was trying to be nice by paying for your kids so you were rude for that too
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bodybycheetos, but the way you talked about it after was rude and unappreciative
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kellynicole not me lol. I wasn't there 😂
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bodybycheetos, hahah fuck i can’t figure this update out
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think it was rude to put more work on the employees just cause your kid was acting up
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
So i think people are going to be rude no matter what you choose to do. I would have done whatever i needed to get my groceries and my kid out of the store safely. People don't like your loud, rambunctious child? Oh well. I would have continued on with my business because I'm sure as hell not spending all that time just to come out empty handed and end up having to come back and do it all over again. Nope.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Im sorry you had such a bad moment. But why did you not strap him in the cart where they can sit? A kid should never be in the cart area but strapped in the sitting area.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
He was strapped in. He gets out of it.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@shayswayy hes almost 2. I get it. Have you tried telling him since he cant behave he wont go shopping with mom anymore? Sometimes it works 🤷🏻 and then when they dont behave, dont bring them the next time you go. I realize this is sometimes difficult, i dont know your situation, but its an idea 🤷🏻
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lii94, I wish I could but he’s hard of hearing right now until his next surgery in 2 weeks and my hub is in the army and his hours are hectic so its hard to get someone to watch my son. He goes everywhere with me :/ I’m just going to do grocery delivery from now on
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think you could have at least finished your transaction and got your stuff. That was a bit extra.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
You are not wrong momma's it can be a struggle to go out shopping with kids some people just don't understand how that goes because they don't have kids so they're rude which fucking sucks why don't you do the online shopping like at Walmart or something I'm sorry you went through this
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am doing grocery delivery from now on. I used to use it a lot when my son was a new born but I think he’s experiencing growing pains and that’s why he’s acting like this. He’s usually really good
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@shayswayy might as well momma's make it easy for you guys
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Going alone to grocery stores with kids is stressful. People can be rude, but if you need groceries, you can't really do much. Sorry you had a bad experience. Don't let it get to you. Tomorrow is a new day. I do grocery pick-up or delivery because my anxiety spikes in large crowds.
Eta- I do think you were a little dramatic about it, but I understand fighting kids when you are alone and being stressed about it.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
You’re wrong.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
You are not alone! I get soooo anxious when I try to go shopping with my kids. The moment they act up I leave the store instantly because I panic. People can be so rude and it makes situations ten times worse. That's why I do Walmart grocery pickup. I avoid those situations at all costs. I'm so sorry you experienced that!
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m just doing grocery delivery from now on. Hubs is in the army so I don’t ever have any free time without my son.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@shayswayy, Good plan! My husband is always out of town for work so it's always just me and my two kiddos. Taking them out in public for too long is way too nerve-wracking for me and way too stimulating for them. People in public act like children aren't allowed in public and it pisses me off. I personally cannot handle it due to my anxiety so I just avoid it when possible.
11.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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