🙏𗂝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Brooke M Moore🏹🏃‍♀️📚
🙏𗂝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Brooke M Moore🏹🏃‍♀️📚
As a Mom of a child with special needs that is considered a pre-existing condition, I want to ask all of my fellow Moms out there who may feel they don’t have any reason to vote tomorrow to PLEASE DO SO FOR MY CHILD! Please go vote!

Please help me tell them it’s NOT ok to make fun of disabled people and take their healthcare and it’s NOT ok to make fun of women who have been victims of sexual assault and domestic violence!! I’m sick of the hate, the bigotry, the racism, and the misogyny!! Us Women and Mother’s need to stand together!! Trump is trying to take away our rights to birth control! Did you know that? There’s a bill on the Whitehouse page right now that will allow employers to refuse health coverage for preventative services if it goes against THEIR religion!! Did you know this?

There is a war against women and minorities underway right now! I know many of you will not believe this, but for those of you who care - look it up. Research! Help us all make sure our children don’t lose their health coverage and neither do we!!

This is an awesome video if you want to watch. ссылка

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