Jessica Dwyer
Jessica Dwyer
My son is four months old and still hates tummy time. Even with toys and me down on the ground he’ll do it for a couple minutes before getting fussy then screaming after about 5 minutes. Does anyone have any suggestions? I can’t do 6 5 minute sessions every day because I can’t do it for two hours after he eats or he spits up a lot and gets the hiccups and he only eats five times a day

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My little also hated timmy time. Try putting him on your chest for his TT. Or doing TT at an angle (like on your bent legs), so he's not totally flat. These helped some with our little man.
Don't fret too much, momma. He'll either get used to it or he'll just start rolling over so he doesn't have to be on his tummy at all! Lol
05.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
What I did was put him on the bed with his head close to the edge (with me there of course) so he could see over the edge, and then I'd sit on the floor in front of him. He liked being able to see everything.
05.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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