Something has been going on with me. I thought I was pregnant again, but I’m now concerned something else is happening. I had my son 5 months ago via c-section. I had an iud implanted, but had it taken out Oct 3. I haven’t had a period since before I got pregnant with my son. Well, for the last three weeks, I’ve been getting cramps. At first they felt like the implantation cramps I got with my son, but now they are a little more painful and my uterus is very sensitive. And I’ve been on such an emotional roller coaster worse than I have ever felt. I get frustrated at the smallest thing. I had the same symptom with my son too. The problem is, it’s been a lot longer and more intense this time and I still don’t have a positive test. I’m a little concerned there’s something else wrong with me. I’m going to go to the doctor if I don’t get a positive in the next couple weeks, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and not been pregnant?

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@monavidaaxo, Ugh I hope not. I only had it in for a little over two months. The thing made me crazy!
05.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have but ended up getting my period. It was a good 7-10 days prior too
05.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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