Am I a bad partner I feel so down and lost on what to do next basically yesterday my baby was rushed to the hospital because he wasn’t breathing properly and I was there the whole time by myself I had no support and I understand his dad had work but once he finished work he didn’t even ask if he should come to hospital he just left me there by myself and then had a go at me when on the phone when I couldn’t remember what the doctor said exactly and I told him that if he was so worried he would of found a away down to the hospital he then said I have crossed the line and how dear I and hung up on me. We live quite far away from the hospital so I couldn’t get home that night lucky my babies godparents only lived 10 minutes away so they came to get us when we got the okays from the doctors but his dad hasn’t called or texted to ask if we are okay or reached safe . Was it too far what I said I just feel like a bad partner n I don’t know what to do 😭💔