Just curious if you co-slept how long did you do it for?
What did you notice when you started moving away from it
Any transiton ideas that felt easier for little one.
Not sure if Its time for me yet.
Thanks ladies
My first was 4.5 and my second was 2.5. I'm currently cosleeping worh my third. I never wanted the transition to be a battle and by that time they were ready with no fighting to sleep on their own. I will probably wait until around 2 before transitioning my third into his own bed.
@momma-cc start off small with naps in the crib and then move up to bedtime
03.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
We got him a playpen instead of a crib cuz our place is small, just like @samanthalynnshaw21, said he would start out in it and end up in bed with us. He’s also still nursing and he hasn’t slept in his playpen in over a month now. I’m just gonna wait till we have a crib and try again. 😓
Following! My son is almost 15 months and we still co sleep. He always starts out in his crib and then comes in bed with us throughout the night. But sometimes he ends up back in his crib. So it depends on the night. I should add my son is still nursing