@kambam, yep. Hospital allows them to be there. I’m more so trying to see what others would see as negatives to having them in there since my husband is on the fence about it
I think if you prepare them @sammymclaughlin77 I get shots weekly and at first my 3 didn't know what was going on. Now they help give them! 😄 Sounds like you are preparing them, they might even enjoy watching the baby come! Maybe they can "help" 😄 It would be cool!
@nomli, my mom and husband would be there with them so I know they’d be in good hands. And since we’ve watch birthing videos we’ve had the talk about screaming. How it hurts and that it’s natural
@kambam, @cfjones914, @flamingomom,
Lol! My kids are 3&4. They know how babies come out and we’ve watched birthing videos. But they are begging to be there. I was thinking just keep them up towards my head. So they’re okay as long as I tell them I’m okay. And I feel like they’d do really well. But my husbands on the fence about it
I don't think I'd do it, because I don't know if I'd be able to focus enough on the baby I'm birthing while worrying about my son's reactions in the room. But, I think it does depend on the maturity of the older children, like if they're able to understand that, 'yes mommy is yelling/bleeding/etc but it's not a bad thing. She's not hurt, she's having a baby and sometimes that includes yelling and blood.' Or if you're having the baby at home, then having the other kids there makes sense. So, basically, it all comes down to what you would prefer as a family and what works for you.
03.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was 6 years old and was in the room. I hardly even remember it. I remember holding my mom’s hand and her squeezing it way too tightly. Other than that, nothing.