Lisa Morton
Lisa Morton
tell me, why did you get divorced even though you and hubby had a baby. And was it really worth it? Would you change anything if you could?
Hubby and I aren’t getting along anymore and he dropped that word on me last week and asked if there’s any moms on here who are divorced.... so now I am curious, is it that hard being separated and with a baby?

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06.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mortonmining, it sounds like another women has fucked him up mentally and he’s just insecure. He may say and do things he doesn’t mean while upset.
My man used to look at my phone all the time and peep over while I’m texting because his last girlfriend cheated on him and it gave him anxiety.
He told me he doesn’t believe for a second that I would. It’s just bad habit and past anxiety.

Some people men and women do similar shit like that or say certain things because they see their partner as a big catch and that they care so much they don’t want to lose them.

They fear they are not good enough and that they will cheat.
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mortonmining, maybe you guys should consider couples counseling.
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@colorfuldreams, @santistevanmommie,
I honestly have to talk to him a little more and ask him if he does still have love for me...
he always used to say it whenever he would leave my side and the other day he didn’t say it back to me and I flipped out because it was his way of showing me he was mad at me he just closed the door and left to work... I thought he was gonna leave me that day, that’s the same day he said something about divorce.
But just yesterday after we talked a LITTLE more he said something about a broken heart, I told him if he keeps up with all this B.S about me cheating he was gonna need to go get checked for being crazy and he said he agrees,..?
I think he wants to try and trust me but for some reason his thoughts are taking over..
And the man is still my bestfriend and my child’s father, I would never put a foul thought about him in my child’s head. He’s not a bad guy he just can’t be happy because he can’t trust me......
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’d say the best thing if you do go this route is to not bad mouth his dad.
If there’s anything I thank my mom for it’s that she never said an Ill word of my father. She always said that it just wasn’t the right time and that he was trying his hardest.
It allowed me to make my own judgements on the man based on my own interactions (or lack thereof) with him over time.
Staying in an unhappy relationship isn’t good for your babe either. He will grow up thinking that is what love is. Never stay JUST for the baby.
A happy separate mom and dad is better than a forced relationship.
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mortonmining, what are his thoughts on it, would he be willing to work it out for your son and does he still have love for you.
If you can get past the trust issues then you maybe gravy but if you think it will only be fighting then get his ass away from your son.
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was 5 when my parents separated, they constantly put me in the middle of their arguments. I’d go visit my dad and he would talk shit on my mom and vise versa. Both trying to get me to take their side and like them better.

It’s best to leave before your sons to old so all the stressful parts for a kid, he won’t remember. I would just try for full custody or just make sure you both agree to not let the child get wrapped in the stress when he’s older.
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
@honeyxxbee, @colorfuldreams, it’s been an on and off thing the whole time we’ve been together.. trust issues, constant fighting, he can’t trust me for anything everywhere we’ve been he thinks I’ve cheated on him and I have barely even talked to any other man the whole time we’ve been together for that reason,,,
we’re both so dependent on each other for happiness that when we’re in happy it lasts forever and it’s horrible. But when we are happy it’s amazing it’s like we were meant for each other. And he’s done nothing but take care of me, so it’s confusing to me..
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Speaking as a child of divorce, it can be very difficult on the child if they are old enough to know and remember who mom and dad are.

If the relationship is toxic then I would say the best thing would be to separate so the baby is in a happy environment.
Custody battles are just a bitch
02.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
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