Please don’t pass this post without leaving a helpful idea.
I live in Houston area and I make motherhood related YouTube videos. I also just moved from my country and it’s a little strange here with no friends. For the kind of videos I make I really don’t want it to be based on personal views. I was hoping on expert views or other moms
On issues like lactation, routines, brutally honest videos and much more.

Question: How do I find people who are interested in coming to join me and create an impact because there are lots of new moms who need guidance. Bear in mind that I just moved here and also I don’t have a budget to pay anyone because I do not make any money from it.

Please all contributions are welcome.
Also if you’re interested in featuring and you live here, send me an email

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Also we teach at Evelyns park on every other Wednesday from 11-12 free events and we have a lot of babies and mom's. We taught this past Wednesday so we wont be there this upcoming Wednesday until the next.Also we teach at the chick fil near Holcomb every third Thursday from 9:30-10:30. You will get to meet a lot of mom's:)
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don't know if you would be interested,but we have this program called Gymboree Play and Music were located by the Galleria on Post Oak. We have plenty of mom's there. If you join the program you will see all these mom's in a daily basis and new ones as well. :) hope this helps.
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. I tried the meet up thing, no luck with that but I guess I’ll try going to the mommy and me event. Thank you so much
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Try the meetup website/app. Look for a mom group or a youtubers group. If there isn't one, make one and start networking with local moms at like mommy & me classes and things like that. I'm so sure you'll start building a group of mom's soon. Good luck! ❤❤❤
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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