I accidentally got children’s Tylenol instead of infants. Can I still use it for my 4 month old who is sick and teething with the dosage for his weight or should I go back and get infants? If I can use it should I give him half of his dose?
Okay I wasn’t sure because my infants Tylenol says ask a doctor if they are under 24 months and so did the children’s. We already opened it but my husband used it to coat his throat for his cough so I didn’t want to waste it and I still have some infants I can use. He has his 4 month today and I was going to ask then but we don’t have much of the infants left so I figured I’d ask
I'd definitely go back and get infants..
I'm the UK so we don't have Tylenol here but our children's medicines are made stronger than infants so even if you gave him the right dose for his weight that you would usually do for infant medicine he's still going to be getting a stronger dose than needed for his size/age x