I still remember back to the year we got married. 👰🤵🏼We called it the best, yet worst year of our life. When we vowed 'better or worse' we didn't realize how much that would actually be tested so soon! We were going through a lot of struggles - especially financial... it just seemed like a state of worry was the norm.
We knew we would be ok, that with God we could make it through anything, but we wondered when could we actually start 'our life' - the life we had envisioned to live together as a married couple.
We found plenty of ways to 'get by' but we wanted to truly live. It was through finding It Works that we saw a vision for that to happen. We saw OPPORTUNITY and we allowed ourselves to dream again. Part of that dream included having a baby. We longed to be parents and yet month after month, we were met with dissapointed and unanswered questions. During this time is when we really poured into our business. It gave a welcome distraction from the pain of infertility and at the same time provided the extra income to cover all the testing & medical costs and an It Works family to lean on during the tough times. ❤️ By the grace of God we were able to pursue IVF and our perfect baby boy is here!!!! 🙏🏼
From the time we started trying to the time Knox was born we took our income from 1900 dollars extra a month (some breathing room) to 20,000+ dollars a month (we both retired from our full time jobs). Just 3 short years. Time that would have passed no matter what!! We sit here today in awe of how far we have come and never taking it for granted. We dont have any special talents or abilities.
This isn’t to brag and say 'WOW look what we have done!' This is to provide hope for anyone finding themselves in a situation like ours. Whether its a loss of a job, infertility, or just that feeling that no matter how hard you work, you are STUCK. There is something else out there for you. Sometimes God presents answered prayers in the form of an opportunity. Its up to you to take it and SEIZE IT!! We will be helping 5 families over the course of the next few months completely change their financial future. If you want to be one of them, just message me 💌 or text OPPORTUNITY to 816-550-1832 📱