So I'm scheduled to have a tubal ligation some time next month. But I'm getting the one where they take the whole Fallopian tube out. I really don't want this done but it's for the best.
@angelfoodcake I have no idea. When I tell my cardiologist about the pain that I be having he brushes it off. So I'm trying to find another one to see if they can figure out what's going on. Cause I did some research and seen some people who have it actually had to get another heart. And that scares me cause I can feel something pulling and tearing on the inside but they saying that it looks fine
@angelfoodcake he's a blessing I thought I was gone die right after I had him. I couldn't breathe on my own I had to be in the hospital for a whole week. So I do thank god for him. And you right because my sister lost her baby girl a day after she was born
@sleepymommy I found out right after I had my baby. It's really breaking my heart that I won't be able to have another. My bf don't want me to have it done he trying to stay positive. But I know there's no hope because I can exactly feel how weak it is. Sometimes I can barely pick my baby up without my chest hurting. I be in pain every day
I have cardiomyopathy. It's a heart muscle disease. My heart to weak to handle another pregnancy. My cardiologist highly highly recommend that I get it done. Cause if I was to get pregnant again it's a 90% chance I'll die from it. I wanted at least 2 kids @sleepymommy
17.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you don't want it why get it.? Are you done having kids for sure.?