They found an upper respiratory infection which was the reason I went there in the first place. When they both returned to check me they said I was pregnant.
6th child....I know it's going down. It was a doctor and nurse from our hospital who let me know the news. After I returned home, I got my app going again and by using the date of my last period I've been calculated as 2 1/2 weeks.
@spookylyn, ☝️ I found out extremely early. My periods aren't regular though but when I went in for the first appointment they did an ultrasound and couldn't see like anything. They thought my pregnancy was invalid. Came back about two weeks later maybe a little longer and I was just about 5/6 weeks
I found out almost two weeks before my missed period with my second so you could really only be that far. My doctors couldn't believe I found out that early lol