My PostPartum Progress thanks to my belly bandit!! Mine retires after helping me spring back from 3 babies, I encourage all moms to do something + for yourselves! Its my favorite mom item!!
@beyond_beautifulx3, You can wear it after, but I know they highly suggest it immediately after birth but any type of corset/compression wrap can do any women good after birth :)
Do you use it for right after you give birth or can you start a little after bc I had a c section and now just had my gallbladder out incision from the c section didn’t heal till about 2/3 weeks ago
@jasmine.axd, its called a belly bandit. Its like a stretchy but firm wrap that you wear constantly for 6 weeks, except I only wear it for 4. You even sleep in it. Go to you’ll see pictures. I used the same band I bought in 2013 for all my postpartums, it was a great investment on myself! I highly recommend!! 💗