moms, any tips on helping my son with Acid Reflux? 😓 Dr already seen him and prescribed medicine, but doesn’t seem to be helping. my poor baby has been so fussy. can it be because of my breastmilk? i do exclusively breastfeed.. he throws up almost after every feeding. and lately hasn’t been comfortable when he is nursing. i need help or advice ! any suggestions.

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My friend went through the same thing she tried 3 days of straight formula and her son stopped the vomiting and fussiness then she went back to breastfeeding and he got fussy again.. so she completely switched to formula... I guess some babies have a hard time with breastmilk.. can be possibly what your eating also..
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ariannaamaciass, yeah i tried, she also threw up my breast milk. I tried to cut off dairy but that did not help either.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rndmshtt, thank you so much for this advice. were you breastfeeding before you switch to Similac Alimentum?
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
My daughter had horrible reflux. Like she projectile vomited. I would give her breaks in between feedings for burping. Feed less but more frequently. Kept her propped up after a feeding. Her bed was also propped up ( scary incident where she vomited silently 😭 and if we were not paying close attention she would have choked ). Another reason why we ended up cosleeping.

She was on medication very early on and when they told us they wanted to increase the dosage we had to put our foot down and looked into other alternatives as well as a new pediatrician.

we switched her over onto Similac Alimentum ( Ready to feed ). Cut off the medication. &’ Then she was like a brand new baby. She also didnt take other bottles besides the Dr. Browns.

All this was from when she was born, and at 8 weeks is when we found a solution. Hang in there, and hopefully you get it figured out with your daughter.

The milk itself became pricey as she got older. We would spend at least $350-$400 monthly just on her milk when she started drinking more. But honestly it was so worth it!! We switched her over to regular whole milk once she turned 1. &’ She had no issues.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Look into nat phos 6x or cell salts #10. You can buy on amazon
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lillynellasmom, thank u!
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lii94, thanks so much!
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
After feeding have him at a 90 angle dont let him laydown make sure to burp him and try to feed him a little at a time have him take a brake when feeding and burp befor you switch boobs. Hopefully that helps as Well
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
If the meds arent working well, try keeping him sitting 30 mins after a meal or laying tummy to your chest so hes not laying flat. Prop up the crib mattress or w.e area you have him sleeping on so hes not flat.
Ive been there, he was 10 days old and we ended up in the er cause he had stopped breathing.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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