I’ve heard of a lot of kids gagging but they’re not choking. She luckily didn’t do that but I think you can look up videos to make sure you know the difference. Gagging can be normal I guess
09.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommysupreme, nope I would just give her little kinda rectangular chunks so she could hold them and do her thing. It was very messy lol
@flamingomom, okay great , my son is about to be 5 months and his Pediatrician said at 6 months I can start introducing solids since he’s exclusively breast fed . I am too afraid of any food allergies! When u started with those food , you mashed them ?
09.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I started around 7 months since I was a ftm and terrified of any allergies, etc. She showed all signs of readiness at 6 months though. I gave her avocado, banana, cooked veggies like Mexican squash and chayote. Anything soft at first then started introducing beans, egg, soft rice and pasta. She didn’t get teeth until 9 months. She was breastfeeding and supplemented with formula. I would make sure she nursed and had her bottle before eating.