I’m getting so anxious because I just had my HSG done and had both my tubes cleared and the clomid worked way better than usual so I’m on the edge of my seat here.
@neonkity well that's only four days I always get nervous testing that early for either answer is scary negs suck but I had a molour pregnancy and the test was stupid possitive a week before my mp. So early testing is a no go for me lol
@neonkity right I was fine untill I was talking to my grandma the other day and randomly thew up and she was ahh are we expecting. That got my thinking hard. Then last night I said something and my husband took it the wrong way I brokedoen and cryed he is like wth is going on with u lug. Lol
@neonkity lucky I don't even think about it that early till like a week away but this month has been crazy so I've been thinking about it for like the whole two weeks