@elijahsmom right then someone complains freezing the kids (like really lol) I can barely take care of my toddler when I get to the point I'm over heated ..
@blessed2018w9 lol that definitely sounds like me too , I'm so cold nature I freeze in then summer time lol but idk what's going on rn I just feel like I'ma scream if I never get a minute to myself to cool off
Yes!! I'm roast now lol I have a box fan a ceiling fan and central air on when I sleep and I no covers..but when not pregnant that would of froze me to death
@skyee.niicole4 i run the ac all the time but my hubby dosent mind bc he is hot nature i just gotta keep clothes on my little one and bundle him up but it sucks
@iuiblessing2018 yes it really makes it hard to get ready to just have a decent lady like day or not get ill when you feel like ur runnin a fever bec ur so hot , makes it worse wen noone understands or even trys too either ..
@sashamcanelas2015 @saleena @elijahsmom glad to know it's not just me , but sorry yall ladies go thru this too .. im not so sure if it's the pregnancy or my 1 year old runnin me ragged or both 🙄😟😕