My son has recently started screaming before nap time and bed time. I’ve never heard him cry this badly before. It lasts for an hour or more and nothing calms him down aside from walking. But even then, he whines the whole time. And then when we come back in the crying starts again. I’ve checked everything; his diaper, fed him, taken his clothes off. What could this be? We have a doctor appointment today and I’m going to ask, but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. He turned four months last week.

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@kayleegardner1, I think your schedule sounds great. I would shoot for a 7:00 bedtime every night, but other than that, I wouldn’t change anything. There is a sleep regression at 4 months. It affected my kids naps more than nighttime sleep, but just stay consistent and it will pass. Hopefully the rash was what was causing the extra fussiness!
04.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@blueismycolor, thank you so much for your help! At the appointment today, we discovered he had a rash I hadn’t noticed under his neck from drool! I put some Vaseline on it tonight and he went down a lot easier! I think that was his problem.
04.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
He’s hard to get to sleep if he doesn’t want to. He’s a really squirmy baby. I usually just try to go by what he does, and that’s the schedule he set himself. Should I try to change it up at all? Should he be sleeping more than that? It’s about 14-16 hours a day.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, during the day we have a relaxed schedule. He’ll wake up around 6 or 7, nap around 9 or 10 for 45 min- 2 hours, then another nap around 12 to 1. And the last one he sleeps for two hours. Then we have a bath at 6:30, and in bed between 7 and 7:30. He only wakes up once or twice at night, but only to eat and he goes right back to bed. Last night was 7:45 cause he wouldn’t stop crying! The doctor just said we should try putting him to bed a little earlier, so I’m going to try that tonight. He only slept for 10 minutes this morning too. I’m a little worried about that 😬.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kayleegardner1, how long is he awake between naps? Is he on any kind of schedule? I can’t remember our exact schedule anymore from 4 months but from what I can remember, he couldn’t stay awake longer than around an hour and 15 min- 1.5 hours at a time. Some babies don’t really show any signs of sleepiness that you can discern, so you just have to go by the clock.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
There’s a huge developmental leap at 4 months including a sleep regression. If you haven’t already, download the wonderweeks app.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@blueismycolor, I haven’t changed anything in our schedule. What do you do to help him sleep sooner? I’m pretty sure I can usually tell when he’s getting tired, but he doesn’t show any normal signs until he starts crying. He usually sleeps soon after eating. I’ll put him on my shoulder or arm facedown and pat his back, but that hasn’t been working.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Could he be overtired? My son still screams over nothing when he is past tired.
03.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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