Breastfeeding mommas! Help! Never had this issue with my first. My son is 5 days old, he had a tounge tie but we got it clipped. His latch was okay when he was born and he’s gaining a lot right now so I figured it’s just normal pains that would subside.
Well when he did an early appointment Friday they were worried my milk hadn’t come in yet (he was two days old) and didn’t want his jaundice to go up over the weekend so a different pediatrician suggested I pump and feed him formula. Looking back I shouldn’t have done it but I’m pretty sure it’s what caused this. I pumped for about two sets of twenty minutes and realized he was barely 3 days old and my milk came in that afternoon so I stopped.
Soooo if you’ve made it through all this HELP! I’m in so much pain when I nurse on one side.. the other one hurts but not as intensely like the left. It hurts also when I’m not nursing and just constantly leaks.
I have an appointment with a lactation consultant tomorrow so I’m just looking for help in the meantime!