Potty training, the do’s and the dont’s and the down and dirty. Any suggestions?

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@prestonjeanetta0120 yeah my oldest already trys to help her get on the small potty we have and gets her toilet paper.
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lillynellasmom, that would be nice because they can learn from each other !!
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@prestonjeanetta0120 this is my 3 year old i started once she was almost 2 so she has been pretty much potty train for a hole year. I think i am about to try to start this with my other daughter because she is doing the same thing my daughter was doing.
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lillynellasmom, that’s amazing is this your 1 yr old or 3 ? I just started training my 1 yr old all day yesterday and it’s really time consuming . I didn’t train my son until almost 3 so it was so easy cause he was fully talking and aware of his body when knowing when he had to go . Versus my princess don’t know until she has already started to go lol
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@desi720. Your welcome als when i did have to leave the house i made sure i stayed on the timmer and or stoped to get her to the restroom kinda annoying but well worth it because then she started realizing right at 20 minutes that was the time where she felt she had to pee and then got to the point where she would start telling me Mommy I have to pee. So it was kinda of a little struggle but well worth it in the end at least for me because now she's pretty much fully potty-trained only time she wears a pull up or has a hard time is at night because she's a hard sleeper but they're in the day she goes all by herself.
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@prestonjeanetta0120, yes I’ve been avoiding it her entire life lol I know it’s time now😬
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@desi720, that’s okay she’s only 1 the more she do it the faster she’ll catch on . Prior to yesterday I wasn’t sitting my daughter down throughout the day cause sometimes it’s impossible. But because she knew what it was for she still went almost every time. I’m sure they’ll be trained before we know it !!
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@prestonjeanetta0120, but we’ll have to work some kind of routine out
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@prestonjeanetta0120, thanks my schedule is all over the place an I have 3-4 consecutive days at home all day with her so it can be a challenge getting started
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@desi720, yes you need a timer that’s the only way you can keep up with the time and they know . I use the timer as well and soon as she hears it she knows it’s potty time . Soon as it goes off again before I even ask her she’s getting up clapping and I just go with it rather she used it or not lol . Today I been putting her on every 15 min and no diaper and so far no accident . I give her my phone and let her watch her shows while she sit for 10 mins to make sitting more fun cause every 15 mins is a lot for them you know
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@faithhopelove, wow nice he caught on very well thanks
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@prestonjeanetta0120, yes that does take lots of patience especially them being so little 1 & 2 but I’ll try my best thank you☺️
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lillynellasmom, oh wow I really like that timer idea I think she will react well to that thanks
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
We started at 16 months with introducing him to the potty then at 18 months we put him in underwear and put towels wherever he sat. Took him to the bathroom about once every 15 min for the first 2 days. He had a lot of accidents the first day but by day 3 he was using the potty and have only had 2 accidents since!
30.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m training kay now and you know she’s only 1 she goes whenever I sit her on the potty we started with just sitting her after every meal just so she can be use to it . Once she went we do a dance and clap . Now that she’s knows what the potty is for and don’t mind using it and is telling me when she poops and pees . I’m training her all day . She drinks a lot so she pees more !! So I sit her every 30 mins for like 10 mins sometime she goes sometimes she doesn’t . I did let her just walk around in a tee but she does pee on the floor sometimes cause were just starting . So I just put her diaper back on and In that 30 mins I just constantly remind her that if she has to pee go on potty . I think she did pretty good she only needed a new diaper twice today since this morning . But it is hard though to keep at and it does take patience so I’ll be glad when she gets it down .
29.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I started around 2 years old with my daughter because she was taking off for pull up and trying to sit down on the potty one of her I went so I tried to take her every time I had to go and put her in a regular panty she had one or two accidents and I had time them and they were about 20 minutes apart so then I started taking her every 20 minutes and sitting her on the potty or telling her it was time to go and had a little timer that made it kind of fun and she went every 20 minutes then I would tell her yeah you did it and we started a sticker chart so every time she was able to go into the restroom and turn off the timer by herself she got a sticker and by the way and the week she got a little prize for doing such a good job. When she did have an accident I would tell her it's okay next time we're going to try to go to the potty a little faster and I believe about a week after getting her on the summit schedule and her liking her little timer she knew when it was time to go before the timer.
29.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
We started at 2 1/2 but we made a mistake by still putting him in diapers so there was a lot of back and forth. Once we took diapers completely away he was golden.
Every hr or two we'd put him om the potty. Sometimes he didn't have to go and he'd get mad. Then we just started asking if he had to go and he'd go or say no.
He was in real underwear by then and only had two accidents. He's been fully trained a few months now.
29.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mhbb3, wow that quick thanks when did you start him? I know some people start their kids early but I’ve been waiting for her to show she’s ready and since she can tell me when she poops I believe now it’s time 😫
29.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Don't be tempted to put them back in pull ups or diapers after you start. Have a couple extra sets of real undies and pants at all times. Once my son had a couple accidents in real undies he nailed it within a week!
29.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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