@mamabear_of_soon_to_be_02, also, you can get pregnant when you ovulate. Which is why when you are off birth control you ovulation times can differ as well, so most likely you had maybe one period before being pregnant again.
Her confusion is she had a normal period last month and now she’s two days late, so I was just reminding her that periods can fluctuate.
@littleonemorning I didn't say it had anything to do with you I was explaining that not all birth control take up to a year for your body to go back to normal or for you to have a regular cycle. For me it only took a month. I was just saying.
Didn’t you say you got your birth control out awhile ago? And you had a long term one? I know after stopping birth control, periods can be a little wonky for up to a year.
Her confusion is she had a normal period last month and now she’s two days late, so I was just reminding her that periods can fluctuate.