so i just took a few sips of a gatorade and the first couple sips were fine and then i got a mouth full of what felt like a huge slime ball, i spit it out and of course im not going to drink anymore but im a little paranoid because i have a feeling it was mold? if it was can this be harmful to the baby? ugh please help!

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This happened to me once too. I didn't realize until I drank half the bottle 😐 it was a few years ago now and I didn't get sick after. I emailed Gatorade and all they did was offer me coupons... they said that sometimes the seals are faulty and that would cause the mold but it's not dangerous. I always hold my Gatorade up to the light at stores now before I buy it 😂 Just watch how you're feeling and try and drink lots of water to flush out your system!
26.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
You'll be alright lol. If you do get realllyyy sick like throwing up just go straight to urgent care
26.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
i dont have any 😭
26.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Lol not to scare you but if you google gatorade mold theres a lot of complaints. Mold is usually harmless in small quantities though. Take a charcoal pill if you have any.
26.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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