@lillynellasmom wow. That's good to hear. @tyrellp I'm Sure The First Always Is. And I'm thinking of getting induced if the keep telling me.
19.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bethanytharp17 my first was the hardest labor and delivery i didnt want kids after her and go through it again and she was my smallest. With my sons being induced it wasnt so bad my third and last baby was my easiest labor and delivery. Just stay positve mama it will work out the way its supposed to
Both my boys were large babies and i was induced right on due date so they wouldnt get any bigger. I had safe deliveries and they came out fine and were perfect! They were both 8 pounds 15 ounces lol
My doctor did not think my daughter would come out vaginal he thought I would have to have a C-section he told me because he said she was to big for my small body.
It didn't happen to me but my sister in law had an emergency c section because my nephew got stuck from being so big. They literally had to push him back and rush to cut him out.