37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I still haven't put together my hospital bag. What are the main things and some of the things you wish you would have brought with you for delivery?
IN 1 BAG...
☆Toothbrush (myself & hubby)
☆Toothbrush holder
☆Mini Toothpaste
☆Mini mouthwash
☆Mini brush
☆Secret deodorant on the go
☆Dove soap
☆Soap box holder
☆On the go Q Tips
☆Mini body spray
☆Shower cap (in a baggie)
☆Scrub wash ball (in a baggie)
☆Few breast pads (just in case)
☆Mini Shampoo & Conditioner
☆Prenatal (4 days worth, never know)
☆Hair bands
☆Thyroid medication
☆wallet/insurance card
*1 going home outfit (skirt lose long sleeve shirt)
*3 soft lose Pjs
*3 nursing Tanks
*3 socks
*1 going home undies
*1 (delivery socks I ordered for labor)
*1 loose robe
*Nursing pillow
*Extension cord (chargers never reach)
*Hard candy(keep mouth from drying)
I pack 3 of everything in case it ends up being a csection
When I pack hers💕....
•3 pjs
•3 head bands/hats
•2 socks (can rewear a day if clean)
•1 going home outfit
•1 going home hair band
•1 long sleeve onsie( I use theres while there)
•1pr Mittens
•1 Blanket (shell go home with blankets there as well)
•Car seat
•Pacifier clip